Sealed Format
Sunday, August 6th at 13:00
6,500kr Entry, 1k store credit per win
4 rounds and then a cut to top 8
Promo Prizes:
First 16 to register receive a promo Gifted Aetherborn
Top 8: Promo Eidolon of the Great Revel
1st: Promo Saruman of Many Colors
Additional prize support:
Gift Certificate for a night at Gróðurhúsinu for two
Masterpiece Series: Kaladesh Inventions - Torrential Gearhulk
Gift Certificate for a meal for two at Tacovaginn
Masterpiece Series: Kaladesh Inventions - Combustible Gearhulk
Gift Certificate for a meal for two at Tacovaginn
Gift Certificate for a meal for two at Tacovaginn
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